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Frequently Asked Questions

Osteopathy is a hands on form of treatment for the whole body including muscles, bones, joints and all other tissues including your organs and nervous system.

The approach of our Melbourne osteopaths is unique as it looks at the body as a whole unit therefore not just focusing on the site of pain but looking at where in the body the problem might actually have started We call this a whole body approach.

In Australia, Osteopaths require a minimum of five years of training at university level, attaining a Bachelor and/or a Masters Degree in Osteopathic Medicine to ensure you are in the best possible hands.


  • Acute or chronic muscular pain
  • Headaches and migraines
  • Back Pain and Neck pain
  • Sciatica
  • Joint injuries
  • Tennis Elbow
  • Shoulder problems/pain
  • Postural problems
  • Work injuries
  • Injuries after a car accident
  • Sports Injuries
  • Pregnancy Related Pain
  • Sleep Disorders
  • Clicky Jaws or Jaw Pain
  • Ear Infections
  • Digestive Problems
  • Children
  • Asthma
  • Recurrent UTI (Urinary Tract Infections)
First and foremost the Osteopath will take a thorough history of the complaint(s) you present with and your health in general. They will focus on any aspects of your health history which requires a need for extra attention. The Osteopath will then conduct a thorough examination of the whole person using their hands to try and feel any irregularities or changes within normal healthy motion. They will then try and feel how the body is compensating for any motion problems. It is then the goal of the practitioner to support the body back to full health, once again using their hands to treat the patient.
The number of treatments you require is entirely dependent on the severity of your condition. This will be assessed during your initial consultation. On average, the majority of our patients experience relief after 2 to 4 treatments. But on either end of the spectrum some patients may only require one treatment, whereas those with more serious problems may need more ongoing care.Our Osteopaths are dedicated to resolving your complaint in the safest, most economical way possible for you. For our schedule of fees please call 0421 087 564 and speak to one of our friendly staff.
No, it is not necessary to obtain a referral to see an osteopath. Simply call our clinic to arrange an appointment and ensure you bring any relevant reports or imaging to help your Osteopath make an accurate assessment of your condition.
Patients are advised to wear loose-fitting, casual clothing to appointments, such as tracksuit pants and a t-shirt.It is typical during an appointment to undress into underwear or have your top off so that we can see your spine. If you are uncomfortable with this please let your Osteo know.
Osteopaths can help with many pregnancy or labour related symptoms. Pregnancy places a great deal of strain on a woman’s body, particularly the back and the pelvic region, so it is very important to ensure your wellbeing is looked after throughout this stage of your life. At Middle Park Osteo, we offer a Osteo service for pregnant women which ensures you are comfortable at all times and provides effective relief from previous complaints as well as pregnancy-related pain and discomfort.
Labour can cause serious spinal and pelvic misalignment. As the body remains tender for quite some time after giving birth, we can apply the same techniques to help ease you back to your previous physical condition. Call ask your Osteopath to find out when it may be appropriate to commence treatment after the delivery of your new born.
Most likely, Exercise is necessary for general health and wellbeing but it is crucial your fitness regime is carefully tailored to prevent exacerbation of your condition. After conducting a thorough physical assessment we are then able to advise you which exercises should be omitted from your regime, as well as replacements which will be most beneficial to your recovery in combination with your osteopathic treatments.
Most Private Health Funds cover Osteopathy in their ‘Extras’ packages. Please check with your insurer that you are covered. Our clinic is equipped with Hicaps facilities which allow you to claim your private health rebate on the spot at the time of your consultation.
Osteopathy is only covered by Medicare if you are eligible for an Enhanced Primary Care (EPC) Plan. EPC Plans are approved by your GP. Please consult your GP to see if you are eligible.
Yes. We also accept VISA and Mastercard. Payment can also be made by cash or cheque.
Middle Park Osteo welcomes all patients and will work with the associated organisation to ensure your claim is handled as smoothly as possible. Please advise our receptionist you will be claiming your treatments through insurance when you call to make your first appointment and make sure you bring all relevant documentation, claim number and your insurer’s details with you so we can add these to your file. For any further queries, please don’t hesitate to call our clinic and we will happily assist in any way we can.