If you suffer from persistent or recurring headaches, it may be that your neck is the culprit (and you may not even have pain there!) This cause of headache has been commonly overlooked which has often resulted in patients suffering for many years. Osteopaths are experts in assessing and treating neck related headaches.
Headaches caused by the structures of the neck are often one-sided, with pain usually arising at the base of the skull and referring to the temple, forehead or eye region. However pain can be present in the eye/head region alone. Pain can be aggravated by neck movement or sustained postures and is often eased by manual pressure to the base of the skull.
It has been well demonstrated that structures in the neck can refer pain to the head. The nerves that start in the top of the neck (C1-C3) also provide sensation to the face and head. If these nerves are aggravated by stiff joints and muscles in the neck, they can cause pain in the head.
Our Osteos will thoroughly assess your neck and headaches. They will ask specific questions to rule out other causes of headaches. They will then feel and assess the structures of your neck to decide if they may be causing your headache. If the neck structures are involved, we will find:
– Tight and painful structures in your neck (joint and muscle)
– Pressure on specific structures of your neck will reproduce your head pain.
– A forward head posture and stiff mid back.
– Reduced motion in the upper joints of the neck.
– Reduced endurance in the deep muscles of the neck.
Our Osteopaths may use a combination of gentle manipulation of the neck joints, massage &/or dry needling in order to reduce muscle tension & spasm. You may be given some specific exercises or stretches for the deep muscles of the neck to help at home.
Osteopaths help with the management of headaches by identifying and addressing the underlying aggravating factors. Osteopaths may use:
– A combination of gentle manipulation of the neck joints
– Specific exercises to stretch and strengthen the muscles of the neck and upper back can also be prescribed to prevent excessive tension from developing
in the joints and soft tissues of the neck
– Advice concerning work desk ergonomics, postural correction
– Relaxation methods to help with stress management
Headaches do not have to be something that you live with on a day to day basis!
To find out more or to book an appointment, phone the clinic on 9908 2844 or you can book online.