The massage ball is used to perform self-massage techniques at home in order to reduce muscle tension and improve joint flexibility. You can perform the following exercises 1-3 times per day, providing they are performed pain free or increase severity of pain.
Begin performing the exercises gently on a soft surface, allowing the body to get used of the exercises before increasing the frequency, duration or performing the exercises on harder surface. Self-massage exercises should always be pain free. If you have severe bruising, acute inflammation or joint pathology avoid using the spikey ball until symptoms subside or you have spoken to your Osteopath.
Below are instructions for 3 common lower body exercises using the spikey massage ball.
ITB Massage
Lying on your side, with top foot on the ground in front or behind you, place the spikey ball under your iliotibial band (ITB). Using your foot, move the ball up and down the ITB. Continue to massage for 15-90 seconds providing it is comfortable and pain free. If you would like to apply pressure to one particular tight spot, hold the ball in the same position for 15-60 seconds or until the tissue relaxes Remember to breathe normally, and keep your feet relaxed.
Gluteal Massage
Laying on your back with feet at 90°, place the spikey ball under your gluteals (buttock). Move up and down, side to side using your arms and legs, allowing the spikey ball to massage the gluteal muscles. Continue to massage the gluteal muscles for 15-90 seconds providing it is comfortable and pain free. If you would like to apply pressure to one particular tight spot, hold the ball in the same position for 15-60 seconds or until the muscle relaxes. Remember to breathe normally, and keep your feet relaxed.
Hip Flexor Massage
Laying on stomach, place the spikey ball under your hip flexor (upper thigh/pelvis). Move up and down, side to side using your arms and legs, allowing the spikey ball to massage the hip flexor muscles. Continue to massage for 15-90 seconds providing it is comfortable and pain free. If you would like to apply pressure to one particular tight spot, hold the ball in the same position for 15-60 seconds or until the muscle relaxes. Remember to breathe normally, and keep your feet relaxed.
This post was written by Dr Monica Bassier.
You can read more about Monica here or book an appointment with her here.