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Suffering From Headaches?

For some people jaw problems can contribute to chronic headaches. The technical name for the jaw joint is the temporomandibular joint (TMJ). Teeth clenching or grinding can also contribute to jaw tightness and can be associated with stressful times. Other symptoms can include restricted jaw movement, neck, jaw and ear pain, as well as clicking or popping in the TMJ.

Osteopathic treatment can assist musculoskeletal causes of jaw pain. Treatment of the neck, upper back and jaw can help to relieve jaw tension and associated headaches, and also improve the movement of the TMJ.

Things you can do to help:

– Use a warm compress on the jaw. This can help to relieve the muscle tightness associated with jaw pain.

– Avoid over stretching the jaw. It may sound silly but supporting the jaw when you yawn and avoiding over stretching the jaw to eat can help to calm down the symptoms of jaw pain and tightness. Things like chopping up an apple to eat rather then biting into the side can decrease the work for the muscles in the jaw.

– Avoid hard or chewy foods. If you jaw is feeling aggravated, resting from hard or chewy foods for a short time can help.

Your osteopath can discuss other management strategies for your specific situation.

For more information, or to book an appointment, call 9908 2844.

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