There are some patients that are often confused with the approach and philosophy of Dry Needling and Acupuncture. Although both therapies use the same sterile and disposable needles and dry needling is apart of acupuncture practice, the theory and clinical reasoning behind the needle placement is different between the two therapies.
Acupuncture is apart of traditional Chinese medicine, which involves inserting needles along the meridian lines of the body at particular points. These specific points relate to stimulating different regions and internal organs to restore the balance of the body’s qi (flow of energy).
Whereas, Dry Needling is based on Western medicine and used to treat musculoskeletal and myofascial dysfunction. It is most commonly used in the treatment of acute injuries, muscle pain and tightness/spasm.
Benefits of Dry Needling
– Improved muscle function and flexibility
– Decrease myofascial tension
– Increased blood flow, which in turn aid in providing nutrients and removing waste
– Breaks up adhesion with the muscle
– Changes neural input with twitch response which results in muscle relaxation, and may result in a systemic pain inhibiting effect
– Improves musculoskeletal function
Most of our Osteopath’s here at Middle Park Osteopathic Clinic are trained in Dry Needling Therapy.
If you feel dry needling is something you would like to try or want to know more about this treatment, talk to your Osteopath at your next appointment.
This post was written by Dr Monica Bassier.
You can find out more about Monica and all our Osteopaths here or book an appointment with her here.
Alternative, you can call us at the clinic on 03 9908 2844.