Is osteopathy safe for my baby?
Osteopathic care is a hands on approach using soft touch without the use of drugs or surgery. It can assist the young body to adapt to growth-related changes, which can prevent other health problems.
A recent study has shown that when administered by a qualified osteopathic practitioner, osteopathic treatment is a approved approach for babies and children.
Here at Middle Park Osteopathic Clinic we take time to explain what we plan to treat and how, before performing any treatment on your child, whether he/she is a few days old or about to sit their Year 12 exams.
Is there a minimum age for osteopathic treatment?
There is no minimum or maximum age. I have treated babies just a few days old, and in my professional opinion, the sooner you bring in your baby, the faster the effects of the treatment appear!
What do you treat in babies?
A typical story I hear on a near-daily basis goes something like this…
“My 8 week-old won’t settle or sleep well, and screams whenever I lay him on his back, and immediately after a feed. I’ve spoken to the doctor who says it’s just colicky reflux and he’ll grow out of it, but I’m worried there’s something else wrong”.
This baby was born through a long labour and forceps were used to deliver him. As a result of the strong strains and forces put through his body during labour and birth, there are lots of twists and strains along his spine and in his skull, putting undue pressure on his digestive tract. With extremely gentle cranio-sacral and structural manipulation, these strains were rectified, and Mum and Dad both noticed a big difference within a few visits.
Osteopaths treat a range of conditions, and it has proven to be effective in quickly resolving recurrent or acute otitis media, and may help reduce antibiotic overuse and prevent surgery.
As part of my treatment on any baby, I perform gentle checks to ensure he/she is reaching the right milestones, and that their major joints and spine are in alignment ad functioning well. Some of the things I like to rule out include scoliosis, hip dysplasia, and neurological disorders, in order to give the best treatment possible. Some parents bring in their children for these regular check-ups as they grow, just to make sure that they can catch any problems as they appear.
You can read more about our team of Osteopath’s here or if you would like to book an appointment online click here.
Alternatively, you can call us at the clinic on 03 9908 2844.