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Are You a Desk Worker? – Upper Back Exercises to Help Posture

Think of your posture sitting at the computer all day. What do we have to do to counteract this positioning to keep our upper body, neck and shoulders pain free and moving well? While neck stretches and foam rolling may help to stretch out certain areas that become short and tight, for longer lasting results and prevention of pain, it is important to strengthen the muscles that are under-active. With time, the mid back and posterior rotator cuff muscles can become weak, fatigued and sore, and therefore more easily prone to injury when we do tasks we are not used to.

These banded upper back exercises may look easy, but because we are using a band of light resistance, we are able to activate the smaller back and rotator cuff stabiliser muscles.

Here are my top exercises for strengthening these neglected muscles for improved posture and prevention of neck and shoulder injuries:


1. No Monies

2. Shoulder External Rotation (cushion between elbow and side)

3. Banded W’s

4. Wall Star (bent elbows)

5. Wall Slides (bent elbows)

6. Wall Stars (straight arms)

Complete at least one of these exercises daily, or at least 3 times per week for best results. Complete 1 to 3 sets of 10 repetitions for a quick, yet effective workout. Remember for all of these exercises to draw the shoulders down and back before commencing the movement.

If you experience any pain or discomfort, try and adjust your positioning or give them a break for now and consult with your Osteopath.



Version 2

This post was written and filmed by Dr Jessica Davies.

You can find out more about Jess here or book an appointment with her here.

Alternatively, you can call the clinic on 9908 2844.

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